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Hello and Welcome!

First of all I would like thank you for taking the time to stop by and visit my website. My name is Afiq Bazli Bin Busairi and I am from Sarawak (Borneo), Malaysia. Currently at 25 years old I am an Automotive Engineering graduate and working as an assistant Automotive Trainer/Lecturer. I am a huge car enthusiast and love everything about it. On top of teaching people about cars now my other major interest is actually in the area of journalism specifically Automotive. On my free time I would regularly test drive new cars available in the market and review them. I would also from time to time post Automotive News as well general Automotive information on this site. Due to some family difficulties, I am at the moment based in Sarawak. I would like to go professional one day and make this my main career. Anyways do check out my reviews and site in the future. And yes if you're wondering I drive a 2012 Kia Sportage SL AWD. Cheers!

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